In Cameroon, there is a popular artist and musician who sings a song as an ode to all mothers out there for everything that they do for their children and all the sacrifices they make. The one thing he says throughout the song, and here I loosely translate: ” Sweet mother, I will never forget you for how much you suffered for me.” He sings it in pidgin-English which is not a national language but is commonly spoken in the country.
For my non-Cameroonian audience, the video below by Meghan Trainor is an exact equivalent of the one above. It’s all about mom!
Speaking of moms here’s mine at the airport about to catch her flight. Where is she headed? Well, to see me! That’s my dad dropping her off, and there she is about to board.
It was Thanksgiving eve when she took off so she arrived to be with us on Thanksgiving day and we were so grateful! There was no better way to spend it than with family. We went out to eat and had a good time.
Believe it or not, I had chemo the following day, so after the wonderful thanksgiving we spent together, it was off to the hospital for good ol’ Adria! Here we are at the treatment center and here’s a video of the chemo infusion.
The Adriamycin Infusion. Or should I say, red devil? It’s a bit long… bear with me.
After the infusion, I was very weak. But that weekend, my mom and I managed to make it to my Uncle’s funeral to get the closure I desperately needed. Rest In Peace (RIP) Uncle Lebong.
When we came back, some of the side effects of the drug had worn off and I felt a little better. My mom was trying to show her support. We wore matching Leopard print blouses from New York and Co to mass that morning. Of course, I had to put my own spin on it lol!
That afternoon, we had a special visit from a friend. Yup! You guessed it. Sandra was here. And we all shared a laugh and some pictures!
After all the fun was over, we went back to the hospital the next day to follow up with the doctor post-chemo.
My immune system really got a hit from the last infusion, I had to wear a surgical mask in order not to get sick as it was flu season and people were sneezing everywhere.
After all the hugs and all the love, it was time to say goodbye. She couldn’t stay too long as she has all the wonderful students at Holy Cross International College, Yaounde, waiting on her leadership and guidance. So we took mom to the Raleigh-Durham (RDU) airport and bid her farewell before she boarded her flight back to Cameroon.
One last selfie for the road.
My mom is the sweetest, kindest, most generous and selfless person I know.
Thank you for all your care and compassion. We will miss you.
Safe travels!
Now, it’s time for some Christmas cheer!
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God bless you certainly would win the price of the best Momma.I thank God for your life my sweet sis,i pray your experience with the devil empowers someone out there.Love ya Winner Mabih
Thank you Lyn! God will see us through!
More grace Dr Mrs Ngu.May u reap the fruits of your labour
Sister Mabih ohh this was a better sweet story. First happy new year and God’s favour is with you through everything, secondly your mum is selfless, gracious and strong. Wishing her travel mercies and strength in all her challenges. You are covered with the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ my dear. Love always
My dear baby sis, (even though you are a grown woman, you will always be my baby lol!)when was the last time we spoke? Lourdes, or thereafter? Wishing you a great new year! You know I am a fighter and will get through this. My mom will receive your greetings! She will be happy. Keep making us all proud!
Dear sis, I pray God increases your strength, understanding & perseverance throughout this journey. May you reach the end of this journey as an example to others providing them strength.
Love you
Mandy my dear, God has already done it. It is well! By His stripes, we are healed.
It is well dear Mabih. Il fera !
It is well chère Mabih. God is your strength !
My sweet Mabih, blessings and prayers upon you. It shall be well. Sending you lots of love and hugs. Manyi
Sending hugs, kisses, courage, abundance of love and most of all Prayers your way. We will beat this to shame. You got this and you will get through this! Courage and faith my baby girl. Lots of love Nachi
Oh my Nachi! I receive all you have declared. Thank you, big sis! Thank you for the prayers.
Mabih! You’re so courageous and strong. Thank God for His grace on your life. I just caught wind of all this and must say your mom is amazing, like all our mothers. Thanks for having this blog, I’ll keep up with you and this journey. I’ll be praying too. We’ve got to kick cancer down once and for all.
Mother is Gold! Thank you Maatsi for your kind message and optimism.
Ngubod, my dear friend I know you are a fighter and you got this. Your positive spirit and winner attitude is reassuring and i am convinced you have received your healing already from God, so this is just the process. May God richly bless your sweet mom and all your loved ones as they accompany you on this journey of complete healing.
Wishing you abundant blessings, good health, peace, happiness and love this new year. Much love, Lucia
Dear Lucia, my Bernadette sister, thanks for the beautiful message. We thank God for mothers all around the world. How did they ever put up with us and our shenanigans? Thank you for your prayers. Peace, happiness and love!
Dear Mabih, your strength and courage are admirable. May you come out of this victorious “for I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds” says the Lord (Jeremiah 30:17). Sending hugs and prayers your way…
Happy new year, Mother is gold . This is your year. The good lord is watching over you.
Remain blessed
Nehnuwah we thank God for sweet mothers. Thanks to Mommy for all her sacrifices. You are a warrior and I know you are healed. So proud of you sis because your courage is awesome. Love u lots 🥰
Aunty Ju, I am sure Mabih got her strength from you. Your smile reflects optimism. I can tell you have placed your full confidence in God who has all the answers. God bless you aunty.
She will hear Anu! And God does have all the answers.
Courage Mabih, it is well. The healing power Jesus Christ is available for u and others. Hang in there.
Hanging tough!!!👌
Dear Mabih, when I read about your mother, I saw mine in her. Because of her unconditional love and care, be strong, lil sis… Always pray and remember God is faithful, He will do what you ask of Him in faith! As you continue your journey, let God be your strength!
Quinta, there is that saying, “Mother is Gold”. We thank God for their lives!!!
Sweet Mabih,
God bless you my darling. That smile of yours is still bright as ever. Your beautiful eyes look on with determination to kick this cancer’s behind. I pray the Virgin Mary accompanies you to every appointment and every milestone. That she reveals to you how precious you are to her and how you have testimonies to give just because you went through this. You are healed IJMN. Keep that zeal and kick ass attitude. And when days come that are hard to do that, offer those days up in prayer for those too shall pass. My prayers are with you.
Big Sis! Where has thou been? 🤣😂 I’m so happy to ‘hear’ your voice. Thank you for every kind word, every gracious thought, every humble prayer. Infirmity is not for us. Mary is our mother and God is on the throne; He will surely see me through. Thank you for reading. I pray for you to keep holding my hand.🙏